We finally put our apple camp videos on youtube. The first one is an interview of one of the boys (Derek) that was at the camp. The second one (my favorite) is of two of our friends and Caleb doing a funny video on reporters lives.
Archives For Apple Camp
Our last day of apple camp was spent burning our DVDs With all our data on them. We looked at it last night and are going to put the videos on youtube soon. We bought MOHPA (Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault. WWII) computer game. It is really fun and hard and I am on level 10 or 11 and I think I am almost done the game.
Here are some pics I took.
We went to apple camp again and learned how to use Garoge Band. It was really neat and I really enjoyed it. We made songs. There were to ways, they were, one was to make on from scrach where you have to make you own beats and the other way was to just put guitars and drum together to make your song. We are doing IMovie tomorow. That will be fun.
Hi Y’all
We are going to a program called Apple Camp. Yesterday we learned about IPhoto on the Mac. Today we are going to learn to about Garage band. It is really fun and all the people there talk with a funny accent and say Y’ALL way too much.
The first one was a joke. I don’t always say it.