Archives For March 2010

Evil Eyes

March 29, 2010

Nothing can describe the thoughts that were in my mind when I saw that despicable thing. Slithering through the long grass waiting. Waiting for its next meal to appear in its evil eyes. Who know what it would strike down or who. One bite would cause unbearable pain and suffering for its victim. Nobody would be able to stand the pain, screaming and yelling just one word,  help……..

To be continued…….

Last Saturday when we went to the gym to play games we played Hockey!!!!!! The 9 other guys actually did pretty good for the first time. Too bad I couldn’t score that much (that wouldn’t be fair). But I got dad pretty good. 😈 Mwa ha ha ha ha

The night before, we went to Big Five Sports Store to get some more sticks and balls. We went to the storage bin to get our sticks. After a little bit of showing the guys how to hold their sticks, we started. They were different from any other group that we have played with because the just went crazy. They weren’t that good at stick handling or shooting but they rushed at you swinging their stick at the ball. It was really fun and I think they had fun too.

I took some pics of a tree that was blooming. They say it’s a pear tree that doesn’t grow pears-ornamental 👿

whoa.... where did that come from

Preston came here for a few days and this is what we did with him.

Make blue cornbread

Scared the cahooties out of me.

Built cool things out of lego.......

......and getting stuck on the butt of a big armadillo

ewww..... he should pick his nose more often

ahhhggg..... he got back at me for that.

played dodge ball.

First Sign of Summer.

March 8, 2010

Ahhh…. The first mosquito bite of the year. One that stays for a week and is the most itchy. I got it yesterday at airsoft. We are planning to go to Colorado to go biking for the summer. I can’t wait. We are going to go to different places and the one we think is the best we will spend more time there.

Just another day…….

March 4, 2010

This is a day in Texas. In ten steps.

1. I get out of bed and have breakfast

2. I have a shower or try to get Caleb out of bed.

3. done shower and GET Caleb out of bed

4. start school work

5. End school work and go biking at ACU with dad or go shopping

5. Have supper

6. Clear the table and wash the dishes. (Caleb drys them)

7. Watch corner gas

8. Try to get Caleb to go to bed (notice the pattern here)

9. GET Caleb in bed.

10. Go to bed.

Do it all again tomorrow