Stuck in Jail????

April 28, 2010

Yeah, for some reason, Caleb is in jail. Just kidding. We went to field trip to a art gallery. It was made in an old jail in Albany and we went with Aaryn. It was made out of brick that had carving that told who made the brick. Most of them were made by M or K. There was a scratching in the wall of someones name. I always wondered how they did that. With their fingernails?  the gallery was as about contemporary art. After that, we went to a gas station to eat lunch. After that we went to a place where they had malts. I didn’t try one (I wasn’t hungry) but I got some candy.



2 responses to Stuck in Jail????

  1. Karen Harapniuk May 1, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Lots of great history close to you. Was it criminals or good guys that made those bricks?

  2. You guys get to go on so many adventures , always learning as you explore. Fun!!!