Archives For April 2011

Tornado Video

April 28, 2011

Ok. Here it is. It’s kinda long and boring. But I tried to pick out the good parts.

Tornado? Uh, oh….

April 27, 2011

We had a great time while Grandma and Grandpa were here. It was so nice to see them again and it brings back memories talking to them about Canada. But something else interesting happened. There was a tornado. It never hit Abilene. But we didn’t know that when the tornado warnings were going crazy on the TV. Here is a new tramp bike video. I will add a tornado video once I edit one.

King of da House!

April 11, 2011

Mom and Dad went somewhere on a picture taking trip and we stayed home for two days by ourselves. They left around 6:00 Friday night and weren’t back until around 5:30 on Sunday. We spent Saturday with some friends of ours and got a ride to Church on Sunday. It wasn’t that bad because we really weren’t home that much, only at night. While I was a friend’s house, we insulted and annoyed people on Black Ops in a British accent. It was really funny and my throat hurt that night. Haha. It was fun, and now they’re home, so it’s not fun anymore. 🙁

The Caves!

April 6, 2011

When Preston was here, we took a 2 and a half hour drive south to the Sonora Caves. There were tours every half an hour and we got there just as one was about to start. We got the the entrance of the cave and the tour guide explained to use that it was a felony to ever touch any of the cave. I soon learned that it was very hard to not touch the cave! When we started to go into it, it was very humid. We weren’t allowed to take anything down there except our cameras; not the cases, sunglasses, flashlights, anything, Not even water. It wasn’t that hot, but around half-way, we got very thirsty.

We started going through the cave, and it was really neat. Some rooms of the cave were really big and some were really small. Sometimes we had to duck under stuff to not touch any of the cave. Some places were not very wide. It was really amazing to see all the stuff that goes on 155 feet under us. There wasn’t any wild life in the cave: No bugs, no rabbits, no birds, because it’s all pitch black! The tour guide turned off all the lights once we were all sitting down and you could not see a thing. Most of the pictures didn’t turn out because it was quite dark, even with the lights on. Here are some of the better ones.

We went windsurfing for the first time this year. The water wasn’t that cold so we didn’t have to wear a wet suit. We got everything out and ready and started going.

The wind was blowing a different direction than what I was used to, but I ended up going pretty fast out to the other side of the lake. It’s when I turned around it got… a little freaky. I wanted to go back to get some water so I tried to go to the shore. The wind was going a different way than what I wanted it to and it was really hard. I had to zig zag back a few times and I was really tired.

When I finally did get back one of the guys that was there said, “Come on, the wind is great!”, so I ended up going out again, which was my first mistake. My second mistake was that I should have gone with a smaller sail. Caleb down-sized when he came in so I could have used his, which is smaller. The wind had picked up and I started sailing. It was great going out, but I had the same problem coming back in. Except this time I was REALLY tired. I wasn’t even half way back when I dropped the sail and had to sit down on the board to rest. I did that a few more times and had to swim the rest of the way back to the shore, where I carried the sail and board back to the shacks to put them away. Here are some pic…

Oh BTW… It was 36C.