On January 29 and 30th we went to Castle Mountain to go skiing with some friends. It had rained the day before and the bottom of the mountain was a bit slippery, but at the top there was powder. We were used to skiing on ice at Sunridge, so skiing on powder took a little longer to get used to. After I got the hang of it, it was amazing! The second night it snowed two inches and continued to snow throughout the day, so there was a lot of powder. That was definitely the best time I’ve had skiing and I hope we go again next year.
Archives For The Cold
Snow, snow everywhere, about 3 inches on the ground. It’s little too cold for snow balls but if you go close enough to buildings it is better, where there is heat. Here are some Pictures
They are starting to lay grass and landscaping down on our apartment. Plus another family is moving in to the one above us. Wow they are putting in lots of trees 😀
Yesterday we went skiing at Loveland. There were only five trails open and they were green and blue. The one we went on the most was a green and it had a stunt park on it with lots of jumps and fun stuff. It was really fun and I didn’t crash that much. Here are some photos.
Wow It is 10:00 in the morning and it is 15. COLD!!! The funny thing is that the swimming pool is open. It is 10 in Lethbridge but it is 9:00 in the morning. I’m going to put in a new Category called “The Cold”
While I’m here, I’ll tell you guys about Airsoft last Sunday. After getting my new sniper rifle, I sold dad my G36. He could of played last week but… It was raining. Caleb didn’t even play. In Canada we played in the snow!! They don’t even play in a little bit of Texas rain. There getting scared of cold whether. This week dad played. The first game my team got whipped. We only shot one of there team and they got us all. The second game they won also. But the last game I think we won. I would have shot dad but my scope got messed up and it shot way off to the right. We have to re sight it again. I think Caleb or mom might have bumped it or something. Another guy and I were on hiding behind a building. (he was on top of it) Dad and Steve were coming closer and he saw me but was to far to shoot me. But I could shoot him. I shot and he ran up to a tree and I shot again and just missed his head. I was behind a tree also but then Steve came behind me and shot me. The guy that was on the roof shot dad but Steve got him also. Hopefully we can get the scope sighted in again. For the THIRD TIME!!!
Oh look it is 16 now.
Have to go play in the new warm whether.