Archives For January 2017

Nutrition Revolution

January 30, 2017

One thing I have struggled with a bit in regards to racing is nutrition. Thing have taken a radical change recently, and I am making steps to no longer having to be worried that I’m being held back by what I eat.

It is not easy, but I am cutting out all sugar and processed carbohydrates to eat only whole “real” foods. By doing this, I will have more energy throughout the day and during competition. Not having everybody in the family do it and having normal food in the house is really difficult, but that will just help me become stronger.

Stay tuned for more updates!

The Time Is Now

January 15, 2017

With all this snow and Ice that has cut off biking around here for a while, I’ve had some time to think about other ways to make money. I haven’t seriously considered going to school and getting a “normal” job until I was finished with my biking career, but working part time to allow time for training and riding at lower level jobs isn’t really cutting it financially. I keep thinking that I need to come up with a big idea to make money.


Just thinking or planning to do something is one thing, but it’ll never go anywhere if there isn’t any action. I have realized that is what has been lacking in my search for this big idea. It is time to take action and try some of the things I have been thinking about doing.