Archives For November 2010


November 30, 2010

Here is a link that describes mistletoe and what you are suppose to do under it.

We interviewed Grandma and Grandpa today about where they moved across Canada.

Yes, It’s Cold Now

November 24, 2010

It is so cold. It dropped down to 82F today. It was so cold we had to use a wet suit to go wind surfing.

Buffalo Gap Again

November 19, 2010

What we did yesturday:

uh…. I can’t remember. We went to ACU and walked around and had supper at the Bean. After that we went to small group.

Today we went to Buffalo Gap to see the things you go to see at Buffalo Gap. We got stuck on the butt of an armadillo, held up traffic to get a picture of a garbage can, and went to see the pottery shop.

Hockey Game….. Again

November 16, 2010

Only 3 hockey games left this season. Last night we had all our players, but we still did sticks in the middle. I didn’t want to do this because we had our whole team but it wasn’t that bad. I got two goals and a few assists. I like playing with my own team, but playing against some of them was pretty fun too.

Last Night Hockey Game

November 2, 2010

We won 9 to 3 again and I only got one goal. The other team got the first two goals and that really scared us. after the second period the score was 6 to 3. We got a lot of penalties and we were really tired. I had a lot of shots but they got smart and started standing in front of them so the puck wouldn’t get close the net. It was really annoying for me but smart for them.


November 1, 2010

We have another hockey game tonight. I didn’t blog about last weeks so here are the highlights. We beat them 12 to 1 and they gave up again in the 3 period with 9 mins left. That was kinda annoying because I was going for a double hat trick. I got five goals that game and 2 assists. We’ll see what happens tonight.