Archives For December 2010


December 20, 2010

On Friday we had a Christmas party. We played a game that was made up by our friends in Edmonton. It was an extreme version of hide and go seek. Everybody went and hid except for the seeker and interrogator. When the people were caught, they were brought to the interrogator. He asked them three questions and guessed a nick name that they wrote before the game started. If the interrogator guesses right, the person who was interrogated became one of the seekers. If the interrogator guesses wrong, the person who got interrogated would go hide again. I was the interrogator and yelled a lot. After that, we came in and had snacks and started playing Moosey Moosey. It was really funny playing Moosey Moosey with this group of people. I guess it’s a fun game to play with any group of people. Everybody left and I went to bed. 🙂


December 20, 2010

On Saturday we went to Sweetwater to meet up with some friends to go shooting at the range out there. We drove to the range and unloaded their armory in the back of their car. They had…. Uh…. Let me think here, um. A LOT OF GUNS!!!! .22’s, .44’s, 9mm, 45, and many others. I think my favorite was the 1911 they had. It has the most kick and felt the best for me. 😀 But all the guns they had were fun to shoot.

YOU WHAT???????

December 9, 2010

That will be your reaction when I tell you that I cut my hair. Stop screaming and get off your desk. It was getting annoying when it was windy. I couldn’t see anything because I had a bunch of brown stuff in my eyes.  For windsurfing the only snack I had was my hair which isn’t very nice.


Piles of hair

After. NO HAIR!!!!

I think the my favorite time or thing we did when Grandma and Grandpa were here was making cookies and bread. The cookies that we made were called peppersnaps. They are really fun to make and taste really good. We have to mix the dough and role it out into long strips. We put them in the fridge for a while and cut them into little pieces and put them into the oven. With the bread, the dough is a lot more sticky and harder to get off your fingers.

Mixing the cookie dough

Rolling it into strips

The Cookie Dough all rolled out.

Proud Cooks

Cutting Dough

Oops, they weren't suppose to stick together.

This is what they are suppose to look like.

Grandpa on our lawn tractor

Bread Dough

Oh wait, that's us making buns.

Wait.... what? who put this one in?