Archives For January 2011

R: So Sneaker, why do you want to be president?
S: What? I don’t want to be president!
R: But, you said you are running for president.
S: That’s right! I think I have a good chance too.
R: So your confident?
S: Oh yes. Very confident. I have to be. That’s the only way anybody can win.
R: So what will your first act as president be?
S: President? Well, I guess the first thing I’ll do is go and party with my buds.
R: Are you sure that’s being a good role model for people? Shouldn’t you be lowering taxes or something?
S: Um…. I can’t lower taxes.
R: You will be able to if you win the election.
S: Election? What are you talking about? I’m just running for president.
R: Exactly. What do you think about the other people running for president? Do you think they have a chance?
S: No. I am confident I’ll win this race. I told you that already.
R: As you’ve seen, this little sneaker is confident he’ll win this years election for president. I’m Bozo Bingo from Silly News. Thank you for watching.
S: President?

First, we dug it out of the ground on a tree farm.

Then it was in our house.

And now it’s in our front yard.

Wiring up the tree.

Today we planted a tree in our front yard. We put between two little skinny trees and it looks kinda….. funny. But once there are leave on the trees it will look less funny. It wasn’t really that hard (FOR MOM!!). Hehe.

New Year’s Eve was spent at a friend’s house having a party. We played games on the Xbox, played guitar, stood around the fire and anything else your suppose to do on New Year’s Eve. For the first time, I stayed up until midnight. At around 12:30 mom and dad came to pick us up. They were surprised I stayed up that long and asked which bed I was sleeping in. Haha. Goofy parents. We went home and watched a Corner Gas and went to bed. 😀