Archives For Friends

Riding in Squamish

November 12, 2013

Yesterday, a few friends and I and took the forty minute drive to Squamish to do some shuttling. They had been there before, but my brother and I never have. We met up with some other people from Whistler and started driving up the road past Quest University.

photo 4

Squamish Pic

It was about 10 minutes to the top of the our warm up run called Cake Walk. It was a nice easy technical run with a couple drops and jumps. Some parts of the trail didn’t drain well and there was quite a lot of water, but for the most part, the conditions were good.

After dumping out of Cake Walk, we made the 8-10 minute hike to Full Nelson, a trail used in the film Strength In Numbers. That was probably my favorite overall run of the day, even though we only did it once. It was smooth and had lots of good berms and jumps. I did find that you really had to keep your speed up or you’d have to pedal to keep a good flow, which didn’t happen because there were four people ahead of me and only one of them had ever ridden that trail. Full Nelson dumped right into Half Nelson which was pretty much just a smaller version of Full Nelson, hence the name. That dumped us out onto a parking lot about a third up the mountain.

We shuttled the bumpy road all the way to the top to get to a trail called Grin and Holler. About 500 Meters from the trailhead, we hit snow. I had never ridden in the snow on my DH bike so I was kind of excited. We pushed up to the trail and found that it had been ridden a little bit so at least we could see where we were suppose to go. It was quite steep and technical and me being new to clipless shoes didn’t help much. The trail had two mandatory high skinnies that you couldn’t ride around, one of which I fell off (walking it). After that, the trail seemed to get easier and less steep.

Right at the end of the trail was the best part of my day. Big manmade jumps. There were four wooden lipped gaps that I couldn’t wait to put my tires on them. After walking down and looking at all of them, the only one I was really worried about was the first one because it had a wood landing which was almost as high as the take off. First jump was about 15-18 feet, second was about 22′ third was at least 27′ and the last one, depending where you landed was 35+. I dropped in, hitting all of them the first go, which I didn’t think I’d do, but the jumps were built perfectly and judging the speed was easy. I overshot the last one by quite a bit, but It wasn’t a big deal because the landing was so long. Only three out of the six of us did them and we pushed back up three more times because they were so much fun.

The last trail of the day we decided to do all of Half Nelson because we had only done half of it when we did Full Nelson. The top half of the trail is pretty much the same as the bottom. The top was a little more technical, but it turned into smooth flowy goodness real fast. Again, I was behind two people, so I couldn’t go as fast and keep a good flow going. You’d think I would have learned by now, eh? Everybody was too tired to do another run, so we rode down the road back to Squamish. It wasn’t as steep as we had thought so we actually did a lot of pedaling (oops).

The thing I learned about riding Squamish is that you’re going to have to hike up no matter what trail you do, so if you’re used to riding park, you’re not gonna like it. It is DEFINITELY worth the hike, though. Just make sure to bring lots of water.


Last jump on Grin And Holler. It’s a biggie!




Moose Mountain

October 8, 2012

We went to moose mountain yesterday do ride some shuttle runs. We went a few weeks ealier in the year when it was warmer. When we got there, there was snow on top and the trails were really wet. I hit a couple of trees trying to avoid the big puddles that gave you a mud bath every time you went through them. It was still a really fun day though. I hit some bigger gaps that I didn’t do the last time and found out that they were easier than I thought.

Muddy Bike

Snow at the top


Rugby Pictures

April 29, 2012

This is called a “Scrum”. Where the players bind together and the two teams engage for a rough battle for possession of the ball.

This is a called a “line out”. This happens if the ball goes out of bounds. The two teams lift one of their team members (on my team it’s me) to catch the ball. After I catch it, I pass it to a player on the ground to be moved back into play.

Here is me running with the ball about to go into contact. After I got past the first few guys I had a clear run to the goal line. But someone got in the way…

You can see that I got tackled and I dropped the ball. I didn’t even know I got hit, I thought I just dropped the ball. If you look close, you can see that the angle in which my ankle is in is not the right angle it should be. I rolled it in the game and I didn’t even realize it until that night. When adrenaline gets going, you don’t feel anything.

Dry Ice Fun

March 7, 2012

This is what happens when you mix dry ice, hot water, and a brave young youth leader.


January 6, 2012

On January 29 and 30th we went to Castle Mountain to go skiing with some friends. It had rained the day before and the bottom of the mountain was a bit slippery, but at the top there was powder. We were used to skiing on ice at Sunridge, so skiing on powder took a little longer to get used to. After I got the hang of it, it was amazing! The second night it snowed two inches and continued to snow throughout the day, so there was a lot of powder. That was definitely the best time I’ve had skiing and I hope we go again next year.

Jello Night

November 22, 2011

Last friday we went to our youth group and they had a event called Jello Night. You probably guess what we did that night. We played games with jello! There was a kiddy swimming pool full of it. There was jello everywhere and everyone was covered to toe in it. My hands and feet were orange at the end of the night. They had all kinds of silly games and at the end there was a slip and slide with jello. That’s probably when I got the messiest. After that I had to get changed and cleaned up so I could play drums in the worship band. I had a lot of fun!

New Year’s Eve was spent at a friend’s house having a party. We played games on the Xbox, played guitar, stood around the fire and anything else your suppose to do on New Year’s Eve. For the first time, I stayed up until midnight. At around 12:30 mom and dad came to pick us up. They were surprised I stayed up that long and asked which bed I was sleeping in. Haha. Goofy parents. We went home and watched a Corner Gas and went to bed. 😀


December 20, 2010

On Friday we had a Christmas party. We played a game that was made up by our friends in Edmonton. It was an extreme version of hide and go seek. Everybody went and hid except for the seeker and interrogator. When the people were caught, they were brought to the interrogator. He asked them three questions and guessed a nick name that they wrote before the game started. If the interrogator guesses right, the person who was interrogated became one of the seekers. If the interrogator guesses wrong, the person who got interrogated would go hide again. I was the interrogator and yelled a lot. After that, we came in and had snacks and started playing Moosey Moosey. It was really funny playing Moosey Moosey with this group of people. I guess it’s a fun game to play with any group of people. Everybody left and I went to bed. 🙂


December 20, 2010

On Saturday we went to Sweetwater to meet up with some friends to go shooting at the range out there. We drove to the range and unloaded their armory in the back of their car. They had…. Uh…. Let me think here, um. A LOT OF GUNS!!!! .22’s, .44’s, 9mm, 45, and many others. I think my favorite was the 1911 they had. It has the most kick and felt the best for me. 😀 But all the guns they had were fun to shoot.

Buffalo Gap Again

November 19, 2010

What we did yesturday:

uh…. I can’t remember. We went to ACU and walked around and had supper at the Bean. After that we went to small group.

Today we went to Buffalo Gap to see the things you go to see at Buffalo Gap. We got stuck on the butt of an armadillo, held up traffic to get a picture of a garbage can, and went to see the pottery shop.