Archives For Contributing

The Caves!

April 6, 2011

When Preston was here, we took a 2 and a half hour drive south to the Sonora Caves. There were tours every half an hour and we got there just as one was about to start. We got the the entrance of the cave and the tour guide explained to use that it was a felony to ever touch any of the cave. I soon learned that it was very hard to not touch the cave! When we started to go into it, it was very humid. We weren’t allowed to take anything down there except our cameras; not the cases, sunglasses, flashlights, anything, Not even water. It wasn’t that hot, but around half-way, we got very thirsty.

We started going through the cave, and it was really neat. Some rooms of the cave were really big and some were really small. Sometimes we had to duck under stuff to not touch any of the cave. Some places were not very wide. It was really amazing to see all the stuff that goes on 155 feet under us. There wasn’t any wild life in the cave: No bugs, no rabbits, no birds, because it’s all pitch black! The tour guide turned off all the lights once we were all sitting down and you could not see a thing. Most of the pictures didn’t turn out because it was quite dark, even with the lights on. Here are some of the better ones.

I think the my favorite time or thing we did when Grandma and Grandpa were here was making cookies and bread. The cookies that we made were called peppersnaps. They are really fun to make and taste really good. We have to mix the dough and role it out into long strips. We put them in the fridge for a while and cut them into little pieces and put them into the oven. With the bread, the dough is a lot more sticky and harder to get off your fingers.

Mixing the cookie dough

Rolling it into strips

The Cookie Dough all rolled out.

Proud Cooks

Cutting Dough

Oops, they weren't suppose to stick together.

This is what they are suppose to look like.

Grandpa on our lawn tractor

Bread Dough

Oh wait, that's us making buns.

Wait.... what? who put this one in?

We interviewed Grandma and Grandpa today about where they moved across Canada.

Jumps Update

October 27, 2010

Yesterday we got a lot of wood from Abilene Lumber. Most of them were 35 feet long. We had to cut them in half to get them to fit on top of the van.=

Thank you Paul for helping us!!!!

Hockey Game

October 19, 2010

Last night was our third hockey game of the season.  We only have 4 people and a goalie on our team. We are on the ice (or concrete) the whole game. The other team has 6 plus a goalie.  We have won the first two games of this year. The first game was 9 to 0. I scored 4 goals. The other team gave up in the third period with 9 minutes left on the clock. The game last week we won 9 to 3. I only scored two goals. That’s because we played the first 10 minutes of the first period with only 4 players including the goalie. In roller hockey, you have to have 5 players on the ice to start, so we got a penalty.  Last night’s game was 11 to 5. We still beat them, but they are getting better every week. I scored 3 goals and got 3 assists.

Summer Biking

August 25, 2010

This summer we went biking in Winter Park, Sol Vista, and Keystone. I think Winter Park was the best because most of the runs were fast. Some had jumps but they weren’t very big. Sol Vista. The one word I can use to describe this mountain? Crazy. The smallest gap was at LEAST 25 feet. There was a few fun runs with lots of berms. Keystone was the biggest mountain of all and it was just rocky and technical. It wasn’t as bad a Fernie, but it came pretty close. I had fun at all of them but Winter Park was my favorite. Plus, I got to see them build the course for Crankworx Colorado. 😀

Here is a video I made. Make sure to watch it in HD.


June 17, 2010

Yesterday when we were wind surfing, I learned to plane. That is where you go really fast and the board starts to lift off the water. When your on the board, and a wind gust comes. You hook your harness on a hook on the boom. You have to lean back and bend your knees or else the sail will pull you forward and you will be swimming with the fishes. You also have to try to move back on the board. It’s really fun.

Here are some pics.

Fun 2 weeks!!!!!

April 26, 2010

Aaryn came over for two weeks. A few of my favorite things that we did were:


He was here for 2 Sundays so we got to go to airsoft twice. The first time was not too hot and a little bit cloudy. But the second one was too hot. It was still fun though. He used my AEG and I used my sniper. The first week the Lubbock team was there and we whooped them a few times. The second week was just AA.

Prime Time.

We got Prime Time passes where we got to try everything once: lazar tag, go carts, bumper cars, race car thingy, and some other stuff. The go carts were the best. Caleb was ahead most of the time but right before the end, I passed him.

We did a lot of other thing but those were my favorite.

Another Hockey Game

April 21, 2010

We lost our hockey game this week. Can you guess what the score was? It was quite interesting. I got an assist and a two minute break in the box. I didn’t get the penalty. The person who did left the game because he thought the ref made a bad call. So I had to take it for him. Here are some pictures.

Try to guess the score. 😛

2nd Hockey Game

April 15, 2010

Here are some pics of the game. We won 4 to 2 and I am #11 on the red team.

whoa..... nice picture