I Got Somethinged by Something

October 28, 2010

Yeah, I got bitten or stung or sat on by something Tuesday night and my hand is swollen. Caleb, a friend and I were hiding from our friends mom coming to pick him up at around 9:00 PM. We hid behind the sign by our house. It has a few kinds of plants that are more like little sticks now because of the time of the year. We were circling around it so that his mom couldn’t see us as she drove by. I felt a pain in my finger and thought I just got poked by a little twig or something. When I went inside I saw it started to swell. The next morning, my whole finger was swollen and there was a little white bump. A day later the whole left side of my hand is swollen. I don’t know who or what did it… But I’m not dead yet so I don’t think it was a Black Widow.

My bad hand

My good hand



4 responses to I Got Somethinged by Something

  1. Karen Harapniuk October 28, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    Hope you can figure it out. Hope it gets better soon.

  2. there are other tiny critters that have some nasty biting power other than the black widows…
    there are other spider that can slowly disolve some of you on the inside slowly…wasps hornets lots of differant insects… I’d keep an eye on that hand for a while and mabe see a doc if it gets worse…even
    a sliver from some srubs can cause an infection…
    exsample scub sage brush is quite nasty… where as prickle pair cactus won’t infect if you get poked
    I know all about that one… my shins were full of quills… lol… it took months to get them all out…

  3. Eeekk! Not fun!

  4. It’s all better now folks. 🙂