BC Cup Round 4 Silverstar

August 8, 2016

After a weekend break, riders headed out to Silverstar for Round 4 of the BC Cup. Not all of them though. Blake Bunting and Jacob Stefiuk, were in Mont Saint Anne racing their first World Cup!


Silverstar has always been a favorite, but this year, the organizers decided to put riders down a new top half of the track. Everybody was interested to see what the changes would be like. Instead of starting to the left of the chairlift as we got off, the course started on the right side and started with a sprint to a short tree section, then out onto more sprinting and more wide open corners and some steeper tree sections.

As usual, the team gathers for the GoPro review session on Friday night.

As usual, the team gathers for the GoPro review session on Friday night.

There were mixed feelings on the new course but it didn’t matter because everybody had to lay down their fastest times when Sunday rolled around.

As Saturday progressed, the course was getting more and more blown out, as expected with a brand new track. Ruts and lines were beginning to develop but there still wasn’t really a lot of choice on the new section because it wasn’t that technical. Even the lower part of the course didn’t have much line choice, it was all about who could ride it the fastest.

Conditions were perfect on Sunday with cloudy weather and no wind or rain.

Conditions were perfect on Sunday with cloudy weather and no wind or rain.

Sunday rolled around and conditions were the same as Saturday with super dry and dusty conditions. Riders all warmed up in the parking lot before dropping in for their practice runs. As the day progressed, the course didn’t get beat up too much more and riders were able to put down good runs without worrying about the course changing too much.




C4 Results:

Adam Woodhouse 1st (Sr. Men)

Stephanie Denroche 2st (Jr. Women)

Caleb Harapnuik 4th (Jr. Ex)

Willem Zweirs 12th (Jr. Ex)

Levi Harapnuik 19th (Pro men)

Adrian Lee 7th (Jr. Sport)

