Jam Test

September 25, 2009

Today I tried the straw and Berrie Jam that I made. And it was…………..GREAT!!!!!

But I put in to much sugar.



4 responses to Jam Test

  1. Very cool! You’re now an experienced jam maker. If you have the right recipe, it usually isn’t too hard.

    I think I’ve made way too much jam/jelly this year:

    Prickly pear, red currant, raspberry/red currant, blackberry peach, cranberry walnut, raspberry apricot, chokecherry, blackberry/raspberry, Evans cherry

    but I’m not quite done. Still saskatoon strawberry, more Evans cherry, and maybe some pear jam or saskatoon peach.

    Now you just have to get Baba to teach you more of her secret recipes. (Or fly Baba out so she can make some of the goodies in person.) 😉

  2. Karen Harapniuk October 5, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    The recipe does use lots of sugar! It is Baba’s exact recipe. Hope the jam tastes better now that it has set for awhile. There is a Certo light that uses half as much sugar. Baba and I are very proud of your hard work. It probably is scrump-deli-licious jam (like in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)!

  3. Yes it does use alot of sugar and it is REALLY GOOD!!!!!